
Android Incident Response Lab 2

Introduction In this lab we remain focused on the identification phase of responding to an Android incident. This time we uncover a little bit more by extracting a suspicious APK from our device and identify some of its capabilities.  TL;DR Using ADB run the following commands to retrieve an APK from our test device: Then, […]


Free Android Incident Response Course During Covid-19 Outbreak

If like many of us, you’re feeling at a loose end during the Covid-19 lockdown, we’ve released a short, free Android Incident Response course to help keep your skills sharp. New labs will be released every Thursday This page can be treated as the central location for finding all labs Each lab should take ~20 […]


Android Incident Response Lab 1

Introduction Incident response is often described as a 6 step process. These 6 steps help an organisation formulate a plan for responding to cyber security incidents and help keep future incidents at bay. During this lab, we focus on some simple techniques to triage key Android logs to help investigate the depth of a compromise […]

cybersecurity stalkerware

New Stalkerware 'Mobile Tracker Free' Targets Victims

How Mobile Tracker free stalkerware works, how to detect it and how to remove it.