cybersecurity privacy stalkerware

Discussing mobile threats on Tech Talks Daily

Matt Boddy chats with Neil C Hughes on his Tech Talks Daily podcast about mobile threats, the difficulty security vendors have and what makes Traced groundbreaking.

cybersecurity privacy

Are you being hacked through WiFi networks?

Criminals can use WiFi to scoop up personal information and drop malware on your devices. Here’s why WiFi protection is your first line of mobile threat defence.

cybersecurity privacy

What scammers can do with just a phone number

Our mobile numbers are often in the public domain, so here’s what you need to know to avoid scams and phishing.


Further £300k investment for Traced

Investment will support the launch of Traced’s B2B security solution, addressing the growth and digital vulnerability in the new normal of remote-working.

cybersecurity stalkerware

Using Trustd to stay protected from stalkerware

Trustd is purpose-built to protect you from apps that spy on you, known as stalkerware.


How websites can use your camera when your phone is locked

A bug in Firefox has exposed a little known fact about what apps can do behind your back.


Android Incident Response Lab 3

Introduction During this lab we tie together techniques used in Lab 1 and Lab 2 to identify a malicious app sitting on our device along with the information it could have obtained access to. Following this, we move onto stage 3 of incident response, the containment phase to remove this malicious app from our device. […]


Protected: traced CTF Submission

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Free Android Incident Response Course During Covid-19 Outbreak

If like many of us, you’re feeling at a loose end during the Covid-19 lockdown, we’ve released a short, free Android Incident Response course to help keep your skills sharp. New labs will be released every Thursday This page can be treated as the central location for finding all labs Each lab should take ~20 […]


Android Incident Response Lab 1

Introduction Incident response is often described as a 6 step process. These 6 steps help an organisation formulate a plan for responding to cyber security incidents and help keep future incidents at bay. During this lab, we focus on some simple techniques to triage key Android logs to help investigate the depth of a compromise […]