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Anything missing that you think we should create for you? Want us to co-brand any of these PDFs? Just let us know!

Benedict Jones

About Trustd MTD

Latest articles

Which is more secure – iOS or Android?

This is the question I’m often asked, and it ignites passionate debates among users loyal to their chosen platforms. But, from a cybersecurity perspective, it’s not about which platform is inherently safer but understanding that each has its unique vulnerabilities.  In many discussions and particularly in a recent chat I had with, I emphasised […]

Selling Trustd to your customers

Setting up

Supporting Zero Trust

Case studies

Sector specific infosheets

Threat hunting

Demo: The Trustd MSP dashboard

About Traced – boilerplate for press releases

The Traced ( team of security and privacy evangelists has won several cybersecurity awards and works with Microsoft’s MISA program, the Coalition Against Stalkerware, and the NCSC for Startups. Combining the threat intelligence from 250k+ protected mobile devices with that of other industry vendors, Traced’s ever-evolving AI technology stays one step ahead of the cyber criminals, protecting individuals and businesses from data loss from mobile phishing attacks, compromised WiFi networks, unpatched devices, malware and leaky apps.